Monday, July 8, 2013

Jump Roping

I've recently discovered something that will revolutionize your workouts - jumping rope.  That's right, it's not just for kids at the playground anymore.

Let me give you some quick hits about what makes the jump rope such a powerful workout tool:

  • Total body workout:  Try to jump rope intensely for 10 minutes straight, and I bet you'll find it nearly impossible.  By the end, your body will be burning - everything from your shoulders right down to your feet.  I knew that the jump rope would increase my leg strength, but I've also noticed some added tone to my arms.
  • It's cheap: I'm finding out that gym memberships are overrated.  You can buy a jump rope for 10 dollars and probably get a better workout than you've recently been getting at the gym.   This will be the perfect change of pace for your workout routine. 
  • Fun:  At first, it's probably going to be painful.  But after a while, once you build your endurance up, you're going to be able to try out some fancy footwork that will undoubtedly impress people that are "jogging" by.  As you master new jump combos like the cross and shuffle step, not only will you feel like a boss, you'll also be getting lighter on your feet and increasing the strength of your entire leg. 
  • Efficient:  Don't want to go jogging for 30 minutes and be bored out of your mind?  I read a study that said 8-10 minutes of intense jump roping burns more calories and is more muscle effective than jogging for a half hour. 
These are just a few of the benefits - I could go on for much longer but I won't bore you.  The moral of the story - get to your local sports store and add jump roping to your weekly workout routine.  You won't be sorry you did.  Hey Kelley!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Welcome back!  Today, I'll be discussing the recent smoothie kick that I've been on.  With the warm weather finally coming on, you may find yourself craving a cold, refreshing snack. Smoothies are the perfect summer treat, and they're something that you all should get in your life.  Now.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Iron Man 3 Review

Does the Suit Make the Man?

Hello world!  It's been a while since my last product review.  I've been busy lately and I also had to overcome a case of writer's block.

But, I'm back.  And today, I'll be reviewing the latest production in the slew of recent superhero movies - Iron Man 3, with Robert Downey Jr playing the genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist, Tony Stark.    Does this third film solidify the Iron Man franchise as one of the best superhero trilogies ever, or does it fall flat on it's face?  Read on to find out.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

National Oatmeal Month - Here to Save America

Recently, I found out that January is officially National Oatmeal Month.  Naturally, I decided I had to do a post on oats.  Not only are they ridiculously good for you, but they are also quite tasty.
While this may not sound like the most exciting post from the outset, by the time you're done reading I think that you'll agree that oats are definitely a product that should be a part of your life. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Quick Critiques: Les Miserables

Last night, I saw the film that everyone seems to be talking about - Les Miserables (affectionately and sometimes annoyingly referred to as "Les Mis.")

Though I had never seen the musical version, I'm familiar with the story.  Having read the book by Victor Hugo and watched non-musical versions of the film, I knew that I would most likely be in for a special experience. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Add a New Book to Your Library

"Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators."
       --Stephen Fry

Today, we're taking a closer look at the latest and greatest e-reader from Amazon - the Kindle Paperwhite,  released in October of 2012. Will this little device help you fulfill that New Years Resolution to read more?  Read on to find out.